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Magic balloon

2018/5/4      view:

Magic balloons, also called long strips in China, are also a kind of rubber balloons. They can be shaped into various interesting shapes, such as animals, flowers, weapons and so on, after twisting their hands back and forth. Can bring children and even adults a lot of fun, magicians, clowns sometimes also stage performances.


What is a magic balloon? In fact, it is a kind of high quality long strip balloon, which can be inflated for a meter, and then can be transformed into a variety of balloon small shapes by hand, such as love bird, dog, knife and arrow, flower, plane, monkey climbing tree. Tulip flowers and other varieties of changes in the shape. Performing on stage, like magic as amazing, so commonly known as magic balloons, also known as magic balloons and so on. Magic balloon preparation is a very creative, fun hand art! Because of its interest, interactivity is also very popular, coupled with the balloon's own unparalleled affinity, naturally deeply loved by children and young people. In some parties, the event can better regulate the atmosphere!

Quanzhou Taifeng Machinery Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of rubber balloon dipping machine, the research and development of balloon impregnation function to produce different specifications, different shapes of balloons. According to the natural latex curing molding process, this machine is designed to be more humanized. The invention has the advantages of reasonable process, self-balancing system of latex, stable quality of balloon, uniform thickness and length of balloon, no hanging point, uniform heating, high output, easy stripping of balloon and simple. Machines are exported overseas and highly praised.

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