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Latex balloon production line processes and equipment

2014/12/3      view:

Latex balloons line the whole plant processes and equipment:


From core machine

Presulphided: pre-production vulcanized latex balloons, latex extraction saved to stand in front sulfide, sulfide stir ingredients add color

Vulcanizer: good ingredients will cure before delivery to the balloon production line, production line: mold cleaning, coagulant dipping, dipping, curling, drying, stripping molding

Heating system: give the production line in three heating methods: natural gas, steam, oil, stove (according to the actual situation of customers local custom)

After curing: Forming balloon surface treatment three times: 1, boiled sulfide, 2, surface treatment, 3, water bubble wash

Dryer: balloon after curing and drying can be placed in the dryer packaging sales


Balloon printing machine


Contact Person:Paul

Quanzhou Taifeng Machine Technical Co., Ltd

Telephone: +86-13675977577

Tel/Fax: +86-595-86711915




Web :http://www.carniaparadise.com/English


Address: NO.3 XuShan Industrial Area,Fengzhou Town, Nan'an City,Fujian, P.R.China

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