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Labor Protection Gloves Dipping Machine Process equipment and technology

2014/11/20      view:

Labor Protection Gloves Dipping Machine Process equipment and technology

1, the pre-curing: mixing the ingredients to fill the raw material

2, vulcanizer: with a good raw material delivered to the production line, according to Shoumo Wear gloves dipping, drying stereotypes

1) production line: Wear gloves, dip the coagulant, a dipping, dipping twice, wrinkling, drying, removing gloves

2) Mold: Shoumo aluminum, Teflon Shoumo (according to customers' requirements)

3) heating equipment: steam boiler, oil boiler, gas, stove, electric tubes (according to local conditions customers choice)

Forming a wide variety of gloves: latex, nitrile, PU, PVC, wrinkling


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