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Notes that Ding Qing gloves

2014/8/15      view:
Need to pay attention to Ding Qing gloves during storage:

1 light, stored in low temperature cool, ventilated and dry place;

2 sealed packaging, to avoid the dust pollution preventing gloves oxidation;

3 any products have a shelf life, Ding Qing glove once produced to use as soon as possible, so as not to impair the quality of.

Need to pay attention to wear gloves when Ding Qing:

1 hand couldn't take the ring or other jewelry;

2 fingernails should be trimmed regularly, can not be too long, so as not to damage the gloves;

3 prevent piercing sharp objects, such as needles, toothpick;

4 off the glove to self carpus downward slowly back, can not be pulled from the fingers;

5 choose to pay attention to size is too small will cause the blood flow is not smooth, is likely to fall off;

6 need to do regular inspection, if found damaged can not use.

Quanzhou Taifeng Machinery Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Fujian, Quanzhou, Nanan City, is a professional production of latex gloves production line, medical gloves, latex gloves production line machine, examination gloves, balloon printing machine line, the balloon, balloon machine production line, household gloves production line, industrial gloves, gloves production line of PVC beads machine, half dipping machine, grinding room, spray paint room and other large machinery company.     www.carniaparadise.com

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