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Nitrile Gloves Dipping Machines​ Factories


1. Natural latex and nitrile glove production line using a continuous production and direct immersion mode, film uniformity, can be used for medical surgical gloves, examination gloves, medical powder, no powder coated gloves. Automatic ejection, high yield, product without hanging points.

2.Adopt the most advanced gloves production technology and production process layout, product qualification rate is more than 98%,protein content is lower than 120 micrograms per gram.

3.Imported surfactant solidifier, finished membrane is uniform, no powder mold release.

4.The introduction of foreign advanced transmission main chain structure, chain little resistance during operation, Production of high speed, stable operation.

5.A main motor drag, solve the drag, difficult to synchronize, fault point, difficult maintenance, and other issues.

6.Adopt vertical hot air circulation drying oven, compared with other forms of hot air circulation, save energy consumption by almost 20%

7.variety of specifications of production, on the same edge automatic adjustment, the PU edge roller, long service life.

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